Click the numbers on the map to learn more about SJR production/exploration areas

Look below for corresponding numbers and SJR  production/exploration areas Aztec Conventional Drilling and Production Aztec Fruitland Wells Westflank Unconventional Drilling West Lindrith Gallup Dakota & So Blanco PC Production San Juan 32-7 Unit Rosa Unit La Plata County Wells Bear Canyon Unit Carracas Canyon Canada Ojitos Unit

Denotes SJR Production Areas. Wells shown from Top Mancos to all Depths Below.
San Juan Resources is actively leasing in various areas across San Juan Basin

1.  Aztec Conventional Drilling and Production SJR operates 13 wells in this area, commingling Blanco Mesaverde and Basin Dakota in most of the wells.

2.  Aztec Fruitland Wells, SJR operates ten coalbed methane wells, producing from the Basin Fruitland Formation.

3.  Westflank Unconventional Drilling SJR operates acreage north of Farmington, drilling conventional Blanco Mesaverde and Basin Dakota reservoirs. SJR has undrilled gas units on these lands and offer the potential for virgin reservoir conditions. HZ drilling in Mancos, Niobrara, and other zones.

4.  La Plata, New Mexico, overriding royalty, Hilcorp and Enduring operated Basin Fruitland coal-seam wells, San Juan County, New Mexico

5.   West Lindrith Gallup Dakota & So Blanco PC Production,  SJR operates 4 Pictured Cliffs and 5 Gallup Dakota wells.  HZ drilling in Mancos, Niobrara in this area......

6.   San Juan 32-7 Unit, operated by Hilcorp. SJR has an interest in 8 wells while owning a non-unit participating interest in this Basin Fruitland coal-seam reservoir, plus interests in Dakota and Mesaverde wells.

7.  Rosa Unit, operated by LOGOS Resources.  SJR has working interest in this unit. With an interest in 25 wells, SJR has a non-unit participating interest in Blanco Mesaverde, Dakota, Mancos, and Basin Fruitland coal-seam methane production.  Mancos produces HUGE Vols of dry gas in the Rosa.

8.   La Plata County Wells, operated by Maralex Resources and Red Willow. SJR has working, overriding royalty, and royalty interests in 11 Basin Fruitland pool coal-seam methane wells.

9.   Bear Canyon Unit, operated by High River Resources. SJR has non-unit participating working interest in 6 Bear Canyon Unit wells, Gavilan Mancos reservoir

10.  Carracas Canyon area, Fruitland coal-seam production, overriding royalty, Morning Star Operators- wells, Basin Fruitland and PC pool, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.

11.  Canada Ojitos Unit, Benson-Montin-Greer-operated unit, Puerto Chiquito Mancos (West) Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SJR owns a small working interest.